
In today’s society, people are so focused on the tangible perspectives—  omitting that the body is laced with more than just a desirous yearning.

There’s a discrepancy between a physical and emotional devotion.

There is a mind and soul that is to be sought; there is more life in the aspects of another person’s intellectual potentiality than you’ll ever encounter while skimming your fingertips over your lover.
Don’t become overly consumed by what only the eye can perceive, there is more to a character than what can be physically witnessed; there is a whole other world to be discovered.
Don’t just settle for meaningless relationships that have no depth to them.

You want someone to show passion, and I don’t mean a sexual desiring passion; I imply an emotional sense of yearning and enthusiasm.

You don’t want someone to cherish you for the silhouette of your body, or physical appearances that may or may not be sought-after. You want someone to aspire to get to know you on a personal level that doesn’t involve physical touch.

You need someone that’ll touch your soul in a transforming way. Someone that wants to apprehend your profoundly cryptic secrets, the reasons behind the things you do. Someone that wants to grasp your flaws and still love you. Someone to understand your fears and not make you feel insecure about them.

You should want someone that craves to investigate why your desired colour is cerulean, and why you fall in love with people’s eyes’.

Someone that’ll want to know your musical tastes and desire to follow the sonnets on a more complex level. Someone that will appreciate why lyrics hold a sentimental significance and worth.

You need someone that aches to get to know you to your core, your deepest and boldest speculations, your ambitions, desires, and outlook on life— Someone that appreciates that love goes incomparably further than your silhouette and the lacing of the sheets.


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